CSLDI (Christine Sicangco Lighting Design, Inc.) offers a full scope of services from conceptual design through construction. In addition to luminaire specifications and technical expertise in the specialty areas below, our capabilities include: shop drawing review, lighting drawings, production of meticulous working details for custom fixtures and mock-ups, and computer rendering.
Interior & exterior building and site lighting
Computer calculations and simulations
Commercial and retail lighting
Museums and exhibitions
energy compliance reports
Master plans and site lighting
Casinos, hotels and resorts
Restoration and renovation
LEED, Berde and Greenmark
Principals Christine Sicangco and Jo Vincent Gonzaga are joined by twenty professionals
in the fields of architecture, interior design, graphic design, electrical engineering and
information technology.
Our team approach allows us to produce cost-effective designs in a highly efficient manner. The accessibility of all team members during all phases of the project assures timely responses.